Dr. Abhijit Roy

Dr. Abhijit Roy is Professor, Department of Film Studies, and former Director, School of Media, Communication and Culture, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He is a member of the editorial boards of Studies in South Asian Film and Media, Journal of the Moving Image and International Journal of Politics and Media. Prof. Roy has received visiting fellowships from Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris, 2006), Indian Institute of Advanced Study (Shimla, 2009), University of Oregon (Eugene, 2017) and Fu Jen Catholic University (Taipei, 2019). He has co-edited Channeling Cultures: Television Studies from India (Oxford University Press, 2014) and written a book on the Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein (Papyrus, 2004). He has successfully completed a number of research projects on media supported by the government of India and the UNICEF. He has also worked as a consultant/supervisor for media projects funded by the USIEF, SYLFF, National University of Singapore and a number of NGOs. Prof. Roy is Chairperson of 90.8 MHz Community Radio JU and has worked with his students to create a couple of fieldwork-based multiple-media websites on urban sustainability issues.